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Halloween Festivities

I will address this topic next week again, but I have some parents asking me now so I thought I would write a quick note.

Costumes: Students are allowed to wear their costume on Monday, October 31st at school. However, masks, fake weapons, violent costumes, revealing costumes, and dressing as a cultural stereotype (e.g., a person belonging to a First Nations group) are strictly forbidden. Students wearing/bringing in any of these items will have them confiscated for the day. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you are unsure if your child's costume is school-appropriate!

If students do not want to or cannot wear their costume at school, they are still welcome to wear black and orange.

Food: Students may bring special food to enjoy during the last period of class on Halloween Monday. It can be just for themselves or to share with the class. I would like there to be as much healthy food as possible - they will be receiving enough candy in the evening to make up for it ;) Fruits, vegetables, or other healthy snacks are encouraged over junk food and sweet treats.

Also please note, there are 3 severe/life threatening allergies to nuts in our room - DO NOT send any item that could have come into contact with any nuts. I realize this can be at times difficult to work around, but we cannot take any chances with student safety.

Here are some super-fun healthy Halloween snack ideas!

As I mentioned, I will be sending out a printed newsletter with all this information next week, but I hope this post allows you to plan ahead if needed. Thanks!

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