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Designing a home!

We began our chilly morning with some reading and Makerspace time in the library. Then we headed outdoors for APQ (I got ganged up on in our game of Across Canada...) and braved the weather, what seems to be the start of that dreaded "W" word....

After recess, students started their in-class math assignment. It was tough but students were getting through it. As only 3 finished, we will have math time tomorrow to finish up.

In the afternoon we worked on science! We're nearing the end of our energy unit, and students were exploring different ways to conserve energy in a building, specifically a home. We looked at different ways homes are heated (check it out where you live!) and then read through some suggestions for conserving energy at home. Students are being asked to draw a home, however they would like, and label at least 10 methods they are using to conserve energy in the home. Here are some action shots and a sneak peak at a couple of groups' work!

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