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Do You Want to Build a Snowmaaan?

Sorry for the lack of posts folks, it's been a busy past 2 days with all the parent/guardian-teacher interviews! I really enjoyed meeting or reconnecting with everyone, and I appreciate all who came to discuss their child's progress. If you were unable to make an appointment but would still like to do so, please send me an email.

Thursday morning, Mr. P put out a challenge to all divisions to make the biggest snowman...A winner hasn't been announced yet, but uh look at ours!

It was awesome to see such a class effort - students who normally wouldn't choose to do much together were helping each other roll giant snowballs and lift heavy ones together to add to the structure.

In math, it turns out the supply didn't quite get to everything, so we played a bit of catch up, which was fine. Everyone was on the same page by the end of the period. We're still working on graphs, specifically circular graphs, broken line graphs, and pictograms, in case you'd like to do some more work at home.

Science ended our day, where we formed groups and argued different perspectives to social and environmental problems dealing with structures. For example, a golf country club, who gives lots of money to charity, wants to expand the size of their golf course, however the land is surrounded by forest where many eagles nest every year. There were certainly some heated debates and creative solutions! It was a great teaching moment, to point out that it's hard to come to a compromise when there are so many perspectives.

Have a great weekend! :)

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