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Special Assembly

We had a really feel-good day today! You know those days that just go super-smoothly and everyone is doing their thing? Yep, that was today!

Some students worked on 5 au quotidien while others finished up their back of a book. Everyone should be finished by the end of this week. After some APQ time outside, we started a new collaborative endeavour - a French, wintery version of "The 12 Days of Christmas"! We only got to day 2 today, so we'll have to do some more work!

In math, we learned about bar graphs by racing to see which group could make the longest paper chain in 2min, and then graphing it on the floor! Students then recreated this on paper and made another bar graph with their own data. Everyone's graphs looked great, although a few people needed reminders about always having a main title and a title for each of the axes.

The last two periods of the day were for a special Anti-Bullying concert/presentation by country singer and mental health advocate Elsie Morden. She had some pretty powerful stories, advice, and songs. Visit this link to learn more!

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