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Another 3 Day Week!

Our week finished up in with another busy couple of days!

We worked on our assembly with Mlle Rubletz's class, preparing for the RESPECT assembly on Wednesday. It's been a lot of work, but everyone has put in a great effort on various projects. It's all coming together!

In dance, we've been exploring different movements - slow, fast, low, high, etc. We also watched several styles of dance and wrote down what image, feeling/emotion, or message the dance might be trying to get across. While there were some huffing about having to watch dance videos, I heard quite a few "woah! cool!" during the videos ;) Ask your child which one was their favourite.

We've also been exploring quadrilaterals. We sorted different quadrilaterals, figured out where they fit in with shapes and polygons, and discussed how different polygons can fit into several categories (e.g., a square is a type of parallelogram, which is a type of quadrilateral, which is a type of polygon). Here are some pictures of partners figuring out how to sort out some vocal:

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