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More Moccasins

What a fun Thursday!

In the morning, we changed up our PhysEd period and played a game I'd been wanting to try out for a while. It's like Dodgeball meets Battleship - the students loved it! ("Just one more game! One more game!) Ask your child how to play!

After, we were treated to a presentation from The Dairy Farmers of Canada, who spoke to us about different states of matter and how this applies to processing milk products (e.g., from the cow, to milk, to solid cheese). We learned a lot, and even got to try some milkshake!

In math, we briefly began our exploration of angles. We talked about how they fit into 3 categories (angle droit, aigu, obtus) but only had about 2min to try measuring one ourselves. Students were really into using the protractors, can't wait to continue on Monday :)

In the afternoon, we finished sewing up the back of our moccasins. It took some skill, and a looooot of patience, but everyone's looked great in the end! Another day this week we'll add the lacing and then we're finished! Here's a look at where we got to:

Just a reminder that payment for Escarpment Adventures and the Ski trips are due online today, and the forms MUST be in by Monday, otherwise unfortunately, you won't be able to participate. Tuesday we will be doing the ropes challenge in the morning, and skiing in the afternoon, so please dress appropriately (i.e. no jeans, no dresses or skirts). Enjoy the PD Day!

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