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Movin' Like Molecules

This morning we enjoyed our regular library time, and finally got to head out onto the snowy field for some Manhunt! Then we came back in to continue some procedural writing (still more to do tomorrow!).

In math, we learned how to measure angles, and used protractors to try some out. We'll be trying a group math problem tomorrow, could be tricky...

In the afternoon, we did loots of science! First we started in our groups pretending to move like molecules - going through solid, liquid, and gas states, depending on our temperature. Ask your child what state they think this picture shows :)

We watched some much-needed Billy Nye (he really does have all the answers), and our favourite part was when they poured invisible CO2 gas into a bag and the bag sank down! Ask your child to explain what happened and why!

Then we got on to our own experimenting. We dissolved sugar in water, and talked about whether this was a physical (molecules stay the same) change or chemical (molecules change into something else) change.

We also started our writing with lemon juice experiment, but unfortunately ran out of time! I ask them to take it home and finish the 2 questions at home. They can also try the experiment again - just write on a piece of paper with lemon juice, wait for the lemon juice to dry, and then hold it up to something warm (e.g., a sunny window, hot lamp, stove element) with adult supervision of course! Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns regarding this.

Remember that tomorrow is our Ropes Challenge course AND x-country skiing!!! Dress appropriately!!

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