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Art Gallery

This morning we had our regular time in the library and worked on our book reports. Only 7 more days in class to work, so get reading!

In math, we tried to prove or disprove that it was less likely to flip two heads (side of a coin) in a row. Most students reasonably thought that it was a 50/50 chance, however one group realized that when they never actually got 2 heads in a row that it must be fairly unlikely. We briefly discussed how the probability was actually only 1/4.

In science, we looked at the properties of materials. Students experimented with different materials meant for a certain purpose (e.g., paper towel vs. sponge vs. tin foil to clean up 20mL of water). We will continue this tomorrow.

Last period, we invited classes to come and do a gallery walk of our interactive artwork. Take a look at our final results - each one is unique and creative!

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