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Here Comes The Sun!

Finally, a beautiful day outside!

We began our day with a library book exchange, some play time outside, and some work catchup. In math, we were finally able to play all our board games! Pic tomorrow :) The games are all so creative and fun, I wish I had time to play them all too!

After second break, we headed outside for some science. We have begun our Human Organs and Systems unit in science - the final one! We looked at the respiratory system, which is fun to start out with because we can see and feel so much of this system working! We discussed the different parts of the system and their functions while sitting in the windy outdoor classroom. Then we tried an experiment, seeing out lung capacity. Students had to count how many breaths it took for them to blow a pompom from one pylon to the other after varying levels of activity. Several students noticed that after having run to the other end of the field and back, it took them more breaths.

Back inside, we made lungs! Ok not real ones, but we simulated how lungs work! In groups, students used a bottle cut in half, a straw, two ballons, and some plasticine to create the lung chamber, trachea, and diaphragm. It was neat to see their faces as they watched the "lung" inflate and deflate. Ask your child how it worked!

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