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Talking Food

We had a very engaging afternoon today. For Health, we watched a video of a compilation of what a typical school lunch looks like for kids around the world, and discussed our observations. Many students picked up on the fact that most served rice, and we talked about why that might be. The second video was of a typical public school in France, and what they ate for lunch and how it is prepared. Ask your child about that one, it was pretty mind-blowing. Our last video was a clip from "Jamie's Return to School Dinners", a series where British chef Jamie Oliver visits some of the schools he helped in his original "Jamie's School Dinners" back in 2004. Students were surprised to see that while the government promised hundreds of millions of dollars to improve the food in public school cafeterias, the schools just weren't seeing the money. I highly recommend both series, they're fascinating, however I will caution for his use of language...(let's just say it was very hard finding an appropriate clip I could show).

After, we had some time to continue on our tiny house project! Many students have begun their good copies.

Also in exciting news, our Rob Gonsalves remake finally found its last piece! Here's the complete work!

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