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The Circulatory System

For the entire morning today, we used the outdoor classroom to talk about our body's circulatory system. We learned briefly about the many important parts of the system, different types of cells, and how the blood circulates. However, it is difficult to understand how everything flows just by looking at a piece of paper, so 6 students became different body parts (brain, heart, lungs, arm, stomach, leg) to create a "human diagram." The rest of the class were blood cells, carrying oxygen-rich blood to the different body parts, flipping their red card to blue as their oxygen was used, and then heading back to the heart. Next they would go to the lungs, who flipped their card back to red, headed back to the heart again, and then chose a new body part to go to. We added students in one at a time, and soon we had our circulatory system! Students were then easily able to reproduce the system on a paper diagram.

We then talked about our pulse, and what this means in relation to our body. Using some fancy stopwatches, students completed a number of different activities, counting their pulse along the way.

In the afternoon, students attended the Jump Rope for Heart assembly. There is a newsletter and one envelope per family going home. Even if you do not wish to participate, all envelopes MUST be returned to the school.

Have fun to anyone heading to the Math Night / Spring Fling this evening. Check out my cake ;)

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