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We began our sunny morning in the library, continuing research on a student-chosen important environmental or social issue. Ask your child how theirs is coming along, many are almost ready to start working on their presentation of the information!

Next we had phys.ed inside, adding onto our skipping knowledge. We warmed up, tried several skill stations, and then worked on skills with partners or a group. Everyone got involved!

In math, we're starting a new unit with location and movement. Today was just spent getting a hang of reading a grid coordinate system.

At the end of the day, we began a new unit of persuasive writing. Students brainstormed what that meant, why people try to persuade others, and then in pairs students had to think of as many ideas to persuade their partner from whatever two categories I provided (e.g., is winter or summer better?) We briefly got to take a look at some advertisements and how they persuade others, but didn't get to finish. Take a look at my favourite French advertisement and discuss why the company chose to advertise their services like this:

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