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Black Bean Brownies (no, really!)

We began this morning with some exercise! Students chose either to work on their track and field skills or skip. It was a beautiful morning to be outside.

Then we came back inside to finish up our healthy eating unit. I gave them some homemade brownies to start, and most thought they were really tasty! Then from the back I hear "hey! do these have BEANS in them??" Why yes, yes they do. We talked about how while these brownies might not be healthy, they have more good stuff in them than normal brownies (like a whole can of black beans!). Then we got to work! We made 3 batches, so tables teamed up and one group did wet ingredients while the other group did dry. Then we combined them together and I baked em in the staff room for a tasty treat at lunchtime. Ask your child how they turned out!

Also included are some pics of students working on their cookbook assignment.

I was very impressed by how well everyone took turns and collaborated.

After first recess, we tackled our first Human Development lesson. We created some important ground rules, and briefly went over what we are unit to cover in the unit. I asked students to chat with their parents if they had burning questions but felt uncomfortable talking about in class.

At the end of the day, we worked on our persuasive letters (almost finished!) and some more math. For the quiz tomorrow, students should know how to use coordinate grid systems, cardinal directions, and translate shapes.

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